The State Education Quality Service (IKVD) implements the European Social Fund Project No “Support for the Reduction of Early School Leaving” to reduce the number of learners who drop out of school. It is planned to involve at least 80% of municipalities, covering no less than 665 general and vocational education institutions.
The project promotes the development of a system of sustainable cooperation between the municipality, educational institutions, teachers, support staff and the parents or representatives of learners to identify learners who are at risk of dropping out in due time and provide them with personalised support.
Teachers are provided with the opportunity to develop professionally and to strengthen their skills in working with learners. Methodological tools have been developed within the framework of the project. A database has been created, which ensures the regular exchange of information at the level of the state, municipality and educational institution regarding learners who have been identified with the risk of early school leaving, the preventive measures taken and their results. It provides complete statistics, as well as allows for long-term evaluation of the effectiveness of the measures.
The project also supports youth NGO initiatives to raise the issue of early school leaving among young people, to address learners through their peers and to engage them in activities. The activities focus on early problem diagnosis and solutions.
Through local municipalities, individual support is provided to learners who may drop out due to lack of financial resources, such as reimbursement of the cost of transportation, meals, accommodation, etc. However, the focus of the project is not the temporary financial assistance but the design of a sustainable, comprehensive mechanism that creates a supportive and inclusive environment for every learner.
Target groups
03.2017. – 12.2023.
At the beginning of the semester, an educator creates an individual support plan (IAP) for each learner involved in the project, in which the risks of early school leaving are evaluated, as well as the necessary support measures for the reduction of these risks are provided.
● the opportunity and resources to work individually with students who need it.
● development of professional competence.
● seminars.
● supervisions.
● workshops.
● conferences.
● methodological support tools.
● a system for identification and prevention of the risks of early school leaving.
Each municipality or state vocational education institution in Latvia can become a cooperation partner of the project. Municipalities and state vocational education institutions can get involved throughout the whole project implementation period. Educational institutions within a municipality can also get involved gradually, if it is not possible to involve all of them simultaneously.
Municipal representatives are advised to contact the relevant regional coordinator for the project in order to find out more about their involvement in the project (see section “Kontakti”).
Projektā PuMPuRS (SAM 8.3.4.) iesaistīto izglītības iestāžu saraksts